
Nonna Knows Best

In Nonna Knows Best, Jaclyn Crupi celebrates the generosity of spirit and wisdom of Italian nonnas.

The book includes delicious recipes, foolproof tips and advice on living life the Italian way.



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In Nonna Knows Best, Jaclyn Crupi celebrates the passion, generosity of spirit, and good old-fashioned wisdom of Italian nonnas. In this book, Jaclyn shares the secrets that make them so special, including delicious recipes from la cucina della nonna (nonna’s kitchen), foolproof tips, sayings and advice for every life moment.

Nonna Knows Best is charming, entertaining and insightful. This book is the perfect gift for anyone in need of a big warm Italian hug (and a container full of leftover pasta).

You may also enjoy Jaclyn’s other book Garden Like a Nonno.

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